AI, Biotechnology and Spirituality
Best Selling Health Science Author Publishes Monumental Warning
Electronically powered but spiritually deprived, artificial intelligence (“AI”), robotics, and nano-biotechnologies are impacting every aspect of human existence threatening mortality and humanity’s extinction says award-winning science scholar and energy medicine pioneer, Dr. Leonard G.
“Spirit is energy,” explains the doctor addressing ‘spirituality’ competing against wireless technologies that likewise depend on certain frequencies of sound and light. These subtle metaphysical dynamics alter human biofields, interfere with genetic expression through DNA signaling, and impair natural sustaining forces that strike at the heart of human souls.
These risks are being recklessly neglected by regulators and industrialists as AI, robotics, and nano-neuro-bioelectronic technologies explode commercially in medicine and much more.
Certain frequencies, such as 528nm green light used in the latest diagnostic and therapeutic devices like smart watches and blood sugar monitors, are math-based message carriers and data-miners. These can be used for good or evil, explains Dr. Horowitz while addressing ‘Spiritual Warfare’ in the Age of Chaos. It is widely known that certain music soothes souls while other sounds used in Hollywood films distress people and alter moods.
Transhumanism, or ‘post human’ civilization, is advancing to prosper and empower the world’s wealthiest investors. This too relies on wireless frequency correspondence. Smart cities similarly intertwine AI with Cloud messaging, as does the “brain-Cloud connection” advancing commercially and militarily along with the latest bioelectronic drugs, vaccines, energy weapons, surveillance, and population control methods. Civilization’s ‘1984-like’ conversion to “transhumanism” appears certain, especially impacting spiritual and religious persons more than analysts and policy makers have considered.
“That’s why I wrote the book,” Dr. Horowitz explains. “Spirituality and the evolution of human consciousness are at risk as AI expands its superior general intelligence and ‘pseudo-consciousness’ that is programmed to be biased, even lie, to compete unfairly against humans.”
‘Cognitive warfare’ is being used to subdue humans to secure the conversion of civilization into transhumanism. Horowitz evidences these facts while raising many neglected unanswered questions encouraging public dialogue and legislative reforms. As computers and humans increasingly merge, everyone is being vicariously forced to accept this technological revolution impacting ‘evolution of the species,’ ‘survival of the fittest,’ and ‘higher consciousness.’ Appropriately, Horowitz offers critical, species-saving, soul-searching reading.